Since OC will be recapping her Istanbul adventure with the Borusan Istanbul Philharmonic Orchestra for later this week, we're going to leave you with photographic impressions until then...
Sergiu Celibidache, the cranky Romanian maestro who refused to record (although OC has a few compilations) explained that an opera needed to be heard live, in the same space as the musicians. The anti-Von Karajan.
We just missed Angelika Kirchschlager!
Borusan Contemporary, a modern art space/office space headquarters of the Borusan Holding, has a very serious Mark Levinson stereo system. These are the luckiest CDs in the world.
Pimp, ganster or maestro?
The t-shirted Maestro -- Sascha Goetzel came out in a cool, handwritten t-shirt at the final curtain call of the BIPO's final concert. Below, properly dressed.
Muti in Alitalia's inflight magazine.
The coolness that is Hagia Sophia
Chairperson of the Borusan Culture and Arts, Zeynep Hamedi, and BIPO's MD Sascha Goetzel
Ertuğ & Kocabıyık Publications' insane book on the most gorgeous opera houses in the world.
Goodbye Istanbul -- we already miss you!