A few weeks ago in the Italian press, weekly gossip magazine Chi reported that Nicoletta Mantovani, widow of Luciano Pavarotti for almost three years, was in a new relationship with Filippo Vernassa. Five years Mantovani's junior, Vernassa is the "direttore organizzativo" at Bologna-based Teatro Europa Auditorium, the same city where Mantovani lives and currently serves the local government offices as Councilor of Culture.
Mantovani and Vernassa were seen frequently walking hand-in-hand through the streets of Bologna with daughter Alice, the new couple (seen above) also making an appearance together at a benefit dinner for Mantovani's MS campaigns.
Vernassa's PR is keeping quiet on the manner while Mantovani has said that the two are just friends.
Now Chi publishes some photos of vacationing Nicoletta Mantovani, relaxing in the sun with 7-year-old daughter Alice in Forte dei Marmi, where Mantovani makes it clear that she's vacationing with Alice and her 69-year-old dad, Gianni -- Vernassa wasn't invited.
Click the link below for some Mantovani bikini pix!