Musical stairs will always be part of the same landscape as Penny Marshall's late '80s movie, Big. And we're quite willing to throwdown with anyone who disagrees on this basic fact.
The other day as O.C. was cutting through Piazza del Duomo in her heeled & quilted Marc Jacobs Wellingtons (she's not about to sacrifice another pair of her Bottega Veneta lace-up leather boots to Milan's surly Rain Gods) on her way to Bagutta for fresh coda di rospo alla griglia, she passed the city of Milan's latest effort to scare people on their way up & down into the subway. Milan installed musical stairs on the staircase of the Red Line's Duomo stop and people were tripping. Not literally, 'tho. O.C. took a few pictures and video for youse guise.
More pretty M'lan photos and another youtube video wait for you after the cut!