Opera Chic does not know what the "BBC Cardiff Singer of the World" is and does not want to know -- she just assumes it's a Welsh Eurovision without vowels and lots of w's and y's --
but whatever that is, Sir Rupert Christiansen found a real singer there, apparently, and even when she disagrees with Ruperto on specifics, Opera Chic trusts his ear. OC is not in the business of grading singers via YouTube and computer speakers -- the Internet's favorite pastime -- but this Ukrainian dude does seem to have a meaty, rich sound that it's hard not to be tempted to define as "ballsy". Castrato ballsy, that is.
Here's Yuryi Mynenko in "Oh Patria.. Di tanti Palpiti", an adequately throbbing (literally, too) Rossini aria. Whatever's going on in this dude's voice box, seems to be pretty awesome indeed. The mullet, though, really needs to be cut off.