It's time for more Muti-spawn hawtness, so suck it h8rs. Ms.Chiara Muti, 35-year-old old daughter of Maestro Riccardo, will be married in Ravenna's Church of Sant'Agata this weekend. On Saturday, July 14, 2008, the Maestro will give away his daughter to 27-year-old French pianist David Fray [pictured above]. Cristina & Riccardo, as well as their parents, were all married in the same church. omg too corny.
Between planning the wedding, Chiara had been pretty busy this past month. For her mother's Ravenna Festival, she spotlighted her vocal talents as la voce recitante for three works, two of those alongside her dad and l’Orchestra giovanile Luigi Cherubini.
Chiara met David in Paris where she was chillaxing to hear one of her father's concerts. Noice. Fabulous grandkids for nonno Riccardo. It'll be birthed in a Cartier placenta and have the voice of a Siren. They should give it the most ridic name ever like Terpsichore Lexus Hybrid Prius Thelxiepeia Muti, because this bb comes from the most gorgeous cheekbones & jaw genes evar.