In what is a happy coincidence -- or maybe not a coincidence, it's hard to say whenever Mozart is involved -- OC was listening to some totally bada$$ Ezio Pinza just this morning (his Figaro in the historic Salzburg 1937 Nozze conducted by Bruno Walter) when she read that il maestro Ferruccio Furlanetto has won the Ezio Pinza award and will be singing tomorrow night in Vittorio Veneto (Lorenzo Da Ponte's birthplace, bYotches) a free recital. Pinza & Furlanetto ftw. Obvs, then one imagines a time traveling impresario able to cast the great Pinza and Furlanetto in the same Don Giovanni production, as the Don and Leporello switching roles on alternate nights, with, let's see, Ferenc Fricsay conducting. *succumbs to a bad case of teh vapors*