As announced last February, primo ballerino Roberto Bolle was drafted into the Salvatore Ferragamo camp as the new face behind the lux design house. Fashion photographer of the gorgeous and glamorous, Mario Testino, built the new Ferragamo ad campaign around German supermodel Claudia Schiffer and Bolle. The motivation? Schiffer, in a retro era evocative of glamor, invites
herself backstage to meet étoile Roberto Bolle. They were all shot in Naples' Teatro San Carlo with Bolle modeling Ferragamo in various states of dress & undress.
There are seven adverts in the whole series which will run in the Fall season of fashion magazines. Below are the first three that have already exited in newspapers and magazines. We regret to announce that sadly, they are safe for work. We were looking forward to some Beckham/Armani/Mert&Marcus type of tractor exhaust pipe ads. We can wait...
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