The sadness never ends: Pesaro Assistant DA Massimo DiPatria could open an official investigation into the filing of Luciano Pavarotti's last will, that, as Opera Chic has explained, contradicts his previously filed will, leaving most of his fortune to his second wife Nicoletta.
The reason behind such an astonishing situation? The unbelievable news that came yesterday: a massive, massive overdraft, around 10 million dollars, has been found in Pavarotti's bank accounts for reasons that remain unclear.
There is widespread suspicion that somebody may have cynically used Pavarotti's illness and his detachment from day-to-day financial affairs to diminish his liquid assets, moving money elsewhere and thus diminishing the cut eventually available to the legitimate heirs.
According to Italian newsweekly "Chi", Luciano Pavarotti's second wife Nicoletta Mantovani has been diagnosed in 2005 with MS, and is in the care of Saud A.Sadiq, MD, at Multiple Sclerosis Research Center.
In this ugly mess, Katia Ricciarelli's words the other day on Italian TV sound strangely fitting: the soprano, who fondly remembered the tenor's generosity in opening his New York home to friends who were singing in New York, told Buona Domenica Sunday talk show that "Big Luciano was the most generous man, I find the brawl over his fortune to be a disgusting thing, they barely waited until his funeral was over. He gave us all so much, and didn't deserve that his name ended in the papers because of the lawsuits over his will".
OC proudly endorses la signora Ricciarelli's statement.