<-----META NAME = "keywords" CONTENT= "dank 420 gratefuldead symphony burnout omglookatthetrails dudedudedude"----->
This past Tuesday marked the official street release of the Grateful Dead Symphony no. 6 (although since May, it was available online for download), and already local pot dealers are feeling the impact, as deadheads are running amok in the streets, hoarding all the stash so they can toke up, tune in, and freak out.
Dubbed the "Orchestral Tribute to the Music of the Grateful Dead," American conductor and composer Lee Johnson worked with one libretto, four soloists, and the Russian National Orchestra in Moscow to record twelve tracks -- ok, fine, "MOVEMENTS" -- starting with the "Dead Overture".
Let's hope that Gelb wasn't a deadhead in his former life, and keeps this invitation out of his plan for "Operation MET Facelift&Botox&Restylane" (although Levine looks like he could give it a good go, and Andrea Gruber would definitely have to be a soloist.) OH SNAP! j/k we <3 Gruber.
A sample can be found here of very generic sounding, big brass, banal orchestral muzak.