Next weekend at Brooklyn's Green-Wood Cemetery, a fundraiser is scheduled to raise $$$ for the restoration costs of a 1845 teenage girl’s crumbling monument that lays in ruins among the famous residents of the historic cemetery. //Also to be raised is the ghost of Leonard Bernstein.
Titled “The Stories Never End, The Love Never Dies,” it features a theatrical dramatization of some of the most famous celebrities that eternally rest between the Green-Wood Cemetery walls. In this "interactive theatre", the famous dead figures will be personified by the students at the Holy Name of Jesus School in Windsor Terrace, Brooklyn (which borders the cemetery). Yeah, um, did I mention that it's going to take place IN the cemetery?
Among the show’s highlights: some kid is going to impersonate Maestro Leonard Bernstein (1918-1990) who is buried at Battle Hill, the highest point in Brooklyn.
I just hope the wrath of Lenny’s ghost, resplendent in a cape, brings torrents of hail next weekend in Brooklyn.