Reports are trickling-in from tonight's la prima of the Netrebko/Alagna Massenet's Manon at the Vienna Staatsoper, and luckily Alagna kept a few mozartkugeln in his pockets, thus avoiding teh vap0rs.
In one article titled, "Netrebko rules in Massenet opera 'Manon'", a gushing review of Netrebko sidelines Alagna's performance:
"This time, that man was not Rolando Villazon but tenor Roberto Alagna as Des Grieux, her lover. But if Netrebko was missing her almost perennial partner, she didn't show it."
"She and Alagna were an example in animal magnetism, whether cuddling in bed in their simple Paris walk-up, clutching in church in the scene where she reclaims him from his life as a priest, or engaging in a final embrace as the stage turns dark, and the curtain prepares to fall."
"Alagna, too, delivered a bracing vocal and stage performance, as did the other principals, helping to lift what is sometimes considered a relatively lightweight opera into the realm of serious enjoyment."
Oooooohh! Y'all know Alagna is *soooo* hatin' on her right about now..."b!@ch stole my thunder!"