Back from the marathon La dame aux Camélias at Teatro alla Scala, where two twenty-minute gaping-wide intermissions added to an already exhausting night of dancing, and Opera Chic is all too ready to fall into bed. Tomorrow will come a full report, but for now, here’s a quick recap:
- Roberto Bolle makes sexay-time with some random slut and then Alessandra Ferri, which is kind of h0tt, but then sulks like an annoying emo fanboy after the dirty deed with the former. (^so^ not hot)
- Bolle hones his $kill$ as a break-dancer, demonstrating some particularly sweeet 80s' street moves; courtesy of Neumeier.
- Alessandra Ferri dodges a shoddy, unraveling tutu for ten precarious minutes during Act II. La costumière must be pretty embarrassed.
- Some drunk lady’s bracelet crashes loudly down from the galleria onto a piece of stage. It was probably a David Aubrey. just sayin'...
- The orchestra left the pit for Act II to go play pool; or they went to smoke something-something.
- The pianississimo of this ballet quickly displayed that OC isn't nearly the only one sick in Milan.
Did that make any sense at all? Other than that, I’m convinced that Ferri will forever look like she’s sixteen, and Bolle has dropped so much weight since his golden thong-encased Marcia Trionfale that his waist is now smaller than Ferri’s. Or maybe even smaller than his own neck. Ew.