"I like to live in the present. Of course, I watch my DVDs. I enjoyed every second of my career. Now I live with the young singers. I love them so much."
Give it Up for la signora Renata Scotto, winner of the Opera News 2006 Awards.
She even found the time for a serene zinger aimed at her fellow directors: "I had always a very good relationship with directors. Maybe, if I would sing nowadays, I don't know. They have sometimes ideas that don't go with the singing, the music."
She was joined by the other four winners: our sweet James "Jimbo" Levine, Deborah "Suck It h8rz" Voigt, Ben "I Can Almost DeNazify Wagner" Heppner and Rene "666" Pape.
The superdorky photo of the ceremony handed outby Opera News is, like, awesome.