Just a quick note to all those who are curious (as every single one of my friends and family back in the US have been relentlessly asking me about the hype of the TomKat wedding here) but the answer is, unfortunately, “No!”: we in the elucidated North have better things to discuss with our free time…like omg did you see the new pix of omg omg OotP HAIRY POTT4R MAKING-OUT W/ CHOW CHANG?! +20 in my pants.
heh. j/k. but seriously, okay, the news of the wedding is on telegiornale…but if this was back in the USA, we’d be throwing like TomKat parties, and bars would be having special TomKat shots, and TomKat menus at restaurants, and someone would totally create a special breed of TomKat cats...and everything. Here we’re all like *yawn* l4merz whatevs...marriage is so passé.