So...what teh fack? I was browsing the November 9, 2006 edition of Corriere della Sera Magazine, and saw the Sofia Coppola story, “Icone, ‘La dominatrice di Versailles’: ‘Niente sesso / Sono Sofia Coppola’"...but something between the pages struck me as oddly familiar. Take a look for yourselves:
As the owner of this huge photo-book on Callas, and with my sparkling visual memory, I recalled a former Garofalo/Callas portrait taken in Paris.
The photograph of Sofia Coppola in Corriere is by Brigitte Lacombe, and was posed almost identically as Garofalo’s photo of Callas in the early 1960s from the Hotel Ritz in Paris.
I mean, c'mon...Sofia's pretty cool, but she ain’t no Diva.